
14 July 2014

Summer Inspiration: Flamingo Gradient Nails

This tutorial is the first in my Summer Inspo collection of fun nails that are great for holidays :)
Here you'll find out how to create this cute flamingo design along with some bright yellow/pink gradient nails.


You'll need a dark pink, white, light/mid pink, yellow, black and a topcoat. Here are the polishes I used (black was Barry M - not pictured!). 


Start off by painting two thin coats of your yellow shade on all of your nails.


Next, take your light/mid pink and paint a semi circle across the top of your accent nail. Leave a slight gap on either side for the detail next. Don't worry if your edges aren't perfect as they will be covered with a darker shade!


Now you'll need to use your dark pink polish to carefully add some flamingo detail. Start by painting a thin semi-circle around your light pink 'body'. Next, paint a question mark type shape that connects to the bottom left of the semi circle. I found it easier to do some little dots at key points in the shape then join them up. Starting at the top also helps with blending any excess polish!


Next, take your white polish and using a corner of the brush paint a small circle for your flamingo's eye. Then take your black shade and add a smaller dot using the same technique - if your brush is too thick or you find it tricky try using a toothpick. Add a small triangle at the end of the face for a beak.


Now all you need to do is paint your gradient nails! Take a sponge (washing up/make up/any kind of sponge) and paint the gradient pattern onto it. Have the darkest pink at the top, then the mid pink and lastly the yellow. It works best if you overlap them a little.


Then take the sponge and dab it onto your nail until it is properly covered with the gradient pattern. You may have to dab it a few times and this can be messy. Top up the paint on your sponge as you go to add the gradient to all your nails. Lastly use some nail varnish remover and a q-tip to clean up those edges and add a top coat if you have one.

And this is the finished Flamingo Gradient nail design :)

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