
15 January 2013

Monochrome Aztec, Spots & Stripes Nails

This tutorial shows how to create this black and white design, which features aztec, striped and spotted patterns. Monochrome is a big trend for this upcoming season, as well as stripes, so this design was inspired by that :)


For this design you only need two colours: black and white. I used MUA All Nude and Barry M #47 Black. 


Begin by painting two coats of your white varnish on all of your nails.


For your little finger, use your black polish to add random black polka dots all over the nail. Do this by simply dabbing the corner of your brush to create the dots.


For the aztec pattern on the accent nail, begin by painting two lines across the nail, then add some zig-zagging lines connecting the two. If you find this difficult, try using a toothpick instead of your nail brush to get a finer line.


Aztec patterns are all about dots, lines and triangles, so you can pretty much chose whatever you like for the rest of the pattern. Try looking at my Black and Gold Aztec tutorial for some more ideas :). Here I just added some dots, then some slanted lines and then a thicker triangle design at the bottom. 


Repeat the aztec pattern process on your thumb nail. 


Next, using your black varnish carefully paint thin vertical stripes down your middle finger nail. 


The last step is to carefully paint horizontal black stripes across your remaining nail. Try rotating your nail towards your brush stroke to get a smoother line.

And this is the finished black and white aztec/spot/stripe nail design :)

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