
15 October 2012

Candy Corn Pumpkin Nails

This is my Halloween themed pumpkin and candy corn nail art; two pumpkins and three candy corn stripe nails create a fun Halloween tutorial :)


For this design you will need five colours; orange, black, white, yellow and dark green. I used (l-r) 2True shade #27, MUA shade #2, MUA 'All Nude' and the last two are from a Nail Star set.


Begin by painting your accent and thumb nails with your orange shade, then paint the remaining three with your white varnish. 


The first part of the pumpkin design is to paint the leaves at the top of your nails; using your dark green varnish, carefully paint three small lines at the top of your nail like in the picture.


Next you need to paint the pumpkin eyes; using your black varnish carefully paint two small triangles in the top half of your nail; start with the bottom line, then paint two diagonal strokes upwards to create a hollow triangle, then fill the gap. 


Then using your black polish again, paint this zig zag line for the mouth; be careful not to have too much varnish on your brush to avoid the pattern becoming too thick. You can also use a toothpick instead if your brush is too wide for this pattern. 


Repeat this on your thumbnail so that you have two pumpkins :)


Next using broad, flat strokes paint your yellow and orange candy corn stripe. Paint the yellow first, then the orange, as the yellow will not cover the orange shade and could look a little messy if they overlap at all.

And this is the finished Halloween candy corn pumpkin nail design:

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