
31 October 2012

Vampire Fang Nails

This tutorial shows how to create this vampire fang nail design with two accent nails :)


For this design you will need three colours; red, white and black. I used (l-r) Barry M #222 Red Wine, MUA All Nude, MUA #2.


To start use your red varnish to paint two lips on your accent nail. Paint a french-tip style red line on the top of your nail, and repeat for the bottom - do the same for your thumb nail. Next, paint the remaining nails with your black shade.


The next step is to paint on the teeth; take your white varnish and make dabbing motions along the lips to create irregular oblong shaped teeth; then extend two in the middle at the top to create sharp, longer fangs.


Then, using your black varnish, fill in the remaining blank nail being careful not to cover any of the teeth.


Those teeth are a bit too neat for a vampire, so now take your black varnish and carefully add outlines between the teeth to make them look more crooked and scary.

And this is the finished vampire fang Halloween nail art :)

Ghost Nail Art

This is a quick and simple but cute Halloween nail tutorial showing how to create this ghost design.


For this design you will need four varnishes; clear sparkly, black, white and medium blue.
I used (l-r) Barry M #264 Pink Iridescent, MUA #2, MUA All Nude, Rimmel #198 Azure.


First paint two thin coats of your blue shade on all of your nails.


Next, paint a coat of your sparkly nail varnish on all of your nails - this creates a nice night-sky design. 


To create the ghost design, use your white polish and carefully paint these arches from the top to about half way down your nail.


Lastly, use your black polish to add two dots at the top of the arch for eyes, then one below these two for the ghosts mouth. 

And this is the finished Halloween ghost night-sky design :)

Beetlejuice Nails

This tutorial shows how to create this Halloween movie design - Beetlejuice on the accent nail and the famous pinstripe pattern :)


For these nails you will need four colours; light purple, green, black and white. I used (l-r) Barry M#308 Berry Ice Cream, Nail Star green, MUA #2, MUA All Nude. 


Start off by painting two thin coats of your white polish on all of your nails.


For the first part of the Beetlejuice nail carefully paint a broad arch stroke halfway down your nail with your green varnish.


Next, for the hair use your green shade to paint upward strokes. Finish them at slightly different heights in order to create that wild hair look. Paint two light purple circles for his eye make up.


Then, using your white varnish carefully add two small white blobs within the purple circles. Then use your black polish to add two small pupil dots inside the white blobs.


To finish off the design use your black varnish to paint these pinstripes on all of your nails, including around the Beetlejuice design. Try to do each line in one stroke to keep them as even as possible, and avoid having excess polish on your brush. 

And this is the finished Beetlejuice nail art design :)

27 October 2012

Dracula Nail Art

This tutorial shows how to create a Dracula/vampire nail design for Halloween :)


For this tutorial you will need four colours; black, white, nude and dark red. I used (l-r): MUA #2, MUA All Nude, MUA #18, Barry M #222 Red Wine.


Begin by painting two thin coats of your nude shade on all of your nails


Then, take your black varnish and carefully paint an arch at the bottom of your nail, leaving the side edges slightly pointed.


To create Dracula's hair, then use your black varnish to paint a triangle extending from the arch, it should look like an M/W once you have done this.


Next, use your white polish to carefully paint two circular shaped blobs for the eyes.


Then using your black polish dab two little dots in the centre of the white circles to finish the eyes, then paint a thin line just over half way down the nail.


Using your white varnish again, carefully paint these two triangle shapes extending from the black line to create the fangs. Make sure there isn't any excess polish on your brush to help with accuracy. 


The final step is to use your red shade to dab two blood spots on the tip of each fang. These can be randomly shaped so I find it best to just dab your brush down and go with whatever shape comes out.
Repeat these steps on all of your nails or try one Dracula accent nail and check out my Blood Manicure for your other nails for a cool design :)

And this is the finished Dracula nail art design:

24 October 2012

Frankenstein Monster Nails

This is another Halloween themed tutorial for October - five of Dr.Frankenstein's monsters :)


For this nail design you need three colours; white, black and green. I used MUA All Nude, MUA #2 and the green is from a Nail Star set. 


The first step is to paint two thin coats of your green varnish on all of your nails.


Next, using your black varnish, paint a broad stroke along the bottom of your nail, then paint two thin strokes extending down each side of your nail to create the outline of the monster's hair. 


To finish off the hair simply paint random triangle-like shapes extending from the broad black line at the base of your nail. Around 3 or 4 triangles will fit best. Make sure there isn't any excess paint on your brush or they will drip down lower than you want. 


Next, use your white polish to paint two blobs to create the circle shape needed for the eyes. these do not need to be perfectly round; it's a monster after all :)


Then take your black polish and carefully dot a little circle in each white blob to create the eyes. Next, carefully paint a mouth line around 3/4 down your nail that stretches almost to each side. 


The last step is to, using your black varnish, carefully paint three or four vertical lines through the initial mouth line. Repeat these steps for the rest of your nails or just have one accent monster :)

And this is the finished Frankenstein monster nail art design:

22 October 2012

Spider Web Nails

This is my purple spider web manicure nail tutorial; two webbed accent nails and a gothic french tip style give a shiny, spooky design perfect for Halloween :)


For this design you only need two colours; a dark shade and a shiny silver polish. You can choose any dark colour you like; navy, black, purple etc - I used purple. The products I used are Barry M #303 Bright Purple and MUA #11. 


Begin by painting all your nails with your dark polish.


To start the web design, carefully paint three thin lines on your thumb nail with your silver polish. The lines should spread out diagonally from the bottom outside corner of your thumb nail.


Next, again using your silver varnish, carefully paint these slightly curved webs in-between each of your diagonal lines close to the top of these lines. If you find your brush too thick you can use a toothpick instead.


To finish off the web design add another two rows of webbing across your diagonal lines. The bottom two should be closer together than the top two.


Repeat these steps on your accent nail to finish off the web part of this tutorial; this accent nail should only have two lines of webbing across as the dimensions of the nail means it'd be too cramped to have three.


The final step in this design is to add the silver french tips to your remaining purple/dark nails; to create a smooth line try rolling your nail slightly toward your brush as you paint.

And this is the finished shiny spider web nail art design :)